This folder maintains savedata for all the games, so all your savefiles will be maintained here.This folder is absolutely necessary for playing anything other than homebrews since a commercial 3DS has this folder, which is the same reason why my version can't be shared publicly.Find a 'user' folder and copy it into the top level directory of the cloned repo.Find a decrypted 3ds ROM or dump it yourself from a 3ds and decrypt it.copy the contents(sub directory) of a user directory to C:/Users/'UserName'/AppData/Roaming/Citra.Clone this folder to either the Desktop or C:/Users/'Username'/AppData/Local/citra/ OR according to the latest documentation from citra:.If this doesn't work, try downloading another original build of Citra and copy the user folder there. All of the errors are mostly commonplace. If you find errors, google it to troubleshoot. This also needs a 'user' folder in the top level directory.
This is being maintained from a fork of the Citra Bleeding Edge build 0.1.90.Īs and when I update the build, I'll modify the build number.